Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 2 investigation reflection

Today I researched two programs. I researched cartoon strip and  Go!Animate. When I researched Go!Animate I tried to create a colorful and poppy type of comic strip. As I researched this program I found so many  different options of characters, backgrounds, and types or font. I looked at all the different themes. Then after I chose a theme I saw so many different backgrounds, after that I saw so many different characters. this particular program was very helpful.
Then I went to research comic strip and i was very restricted. I did not like the format or the characters. I did not want to go any further. Therefore i chose Go!animate.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job!! Share the knowledge you see the light!! :)
    Themes, characters and simplicity can be used on your rubric to compare the two objectively now. Remember two type a paragraph for each measurement for each tool. See my example on my blog.
